After Market NDT Services

Your partner for after market NDT services today and tomorrow

Since 1968 we’ve been providing fast response and dependable After Market services to make sure our clients’ equipment is online and working properly. When you select Zetec equipment for your mission critical tasks, we provide on-going support for repairs and recalibration. That includes offering service for up to five years after your device has gone out of production.

We believe that service and calibration support can be the best investment in your budget, reducing downtime for production equipment and assuring improved product quality. Regular maintenance and calibration extends the life and reliability of your equipment. Proper care and needed routine repairs prevent major failures and expensive production interruption. Our factory trained technicians ensure that every instrument calibration follows our strict procedures. Instruments are returned with a Certificate of Calibration which is proof of traceability to international standards. Our quality system for calibration services is ISO 9001:2015 registered and ISO 17025-2005 accredited. We also provide you with calibration labels which show the date of calibration and expiration.

World Class Products, Worldwide Service

Zetec has service centers strategically located around the globe to support your equipment with calibration, repair, parts, and maintenance services. Visit our Locations page to contact one of our service centers.

To view a complete listing of our equipment and serviceability status please download our Service Status matrix or call (425) 974-2645 for immediate assistance.

  • Rental Equipment

    Zetec offers a select list of rental equipment. For a list of rental equipment, please download our Rental Equipment form. More

  • Service Plans

    Zetec offers customized service plans to fit your needs. We’ll deliver a comprehensive plan that maximizes your up-time, avoids unforeseen expenses, and lowers your cost of ownership. More

  • Calibration and Repair

    Maximize your up-time by keeping your equipment in peak performance. Our regional calibration and repair centers will ensure your equipment is maintained at factory performance specifications. More