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Surface Array Probes

Quick and accurate eddy current array (ECA) inspections

Zetec eddy current surface array probes are specifically designed to solve the inspection challenges that power generation, oil & gas, and aerospace companies face everyday. From detecting extremely small defects to inspecting non-flat surfaces and covering a wide area in a single pass, Zetec delivers.

  • Surf-X Flexible Array Probe

    New generation of Surf-X Flexible Array Probes features a flexible design which can lower total cost of ownership and reduce inspection time. It is ideal for inspecting corrosion or cracking in pipes, pressure vessels or tanks, plus assessing and sizing cracks in raised and friction stir welds. More

  • Surf-X Array Probe

    First generation of Surf-X array probes features a highly ergonomic design and proprietary X-Probe technology. Surf-X array probes provide excellent data quality and significantly reduce inspection time compared with other inspection methods. More

  • Surface Array Flex Probe

    The surface array flex probe enables you to reduce inspection time and improve flaw detection, all while receiving a full record of inspection. Thanks to the flexible, durable pad, the probe can handle multiple surface applications with ease. More


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