Advanced Eddy Current Instruments That Deliver an Inspection Advantage
Many industries rely on the use of non-destructive testing (NDT) to analyze the integrity of equipment and machinery while maintaining operations. One of the most-used forms of NDT is eddy current testing (ECT). Using an eddy current instrument, technicians create a magnetic field from the coil which is induced into a conductive material to reveal anomalies. ECT allows for the presence of surface and subsurface flaws to be revealed that would otherwise be too small to detect.
With Zetec’s cutting-edge eddy current software and instrumentation, ECT is faster, more efficient, and more accurate than many other testing methods. The key is effective, intuitive, and user-friendly instrumentation.
Zetec eddy current testing instrumentation ranges from fully integrated units to portable and handheld devices. This gives technicians the flexibility and power needed to perform accurate, effective testing for their specific inspection application.
What benefits can you get from Zetec’s eddy current testing instruments?
- Ease of use
- Greater control
- Lower cost of ownership
- Easier maintenance
- Higher probability of detection (POD)
- A true partnership with an industry innovator
A cost-effective inspection solution should include the right instrumentation with complementary Zetec eddy current testing probes and software. The instrumentation takes the signals from the probes and evaluates them for any damage, cracks, or gaps. Specialized instrumentation is needed to make sure that the job is done right.
To ensure that, a Zetec eddy current testing expert or partner can help you build a complete system that fits your needs, budget, and industry. There is no one-size-fits-all eddy current testing system. Our experts can ensure you get the system that works best for you.
MIZ-200: Eddy Current Instrument for Many Industries
Every industry has its unique needs and challenges when it comes to non-destructive testing. Our state-of-the-art MIZ-200 eddy current instrumentation is powerful, yet adaptable enough to be used for ECT in the following industries:
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Manufacturing
- Military and Defense
- Oil and Gas
- Power Generation
- Railway
- Transportation
Zetec is an industry-leader in nondestructive examination (NDE). We develop world-class eddy current solutions that help technicians perform inspections with the highest quality and accuracy.
MIZ-200: Rugged high-performance
This unit was developed to handle the most demanding inspection environments, yet be lightweight and portable enough to move around a site with ease. It’s been specifically designed for balance-of-plant/power generation and oil and gas applications. The MIZ-200 high-performance features include a strong signal to noise ratio for greater inspection accuracy.
Eddy Current Testing Instruments for Power Generation
Power generation is critical in almost every aspect of daily function—from schools to hospitals to communication and relaxation. Because of this, nondestructive testing is a must.
Eddy current testing instruments from Zetec ensure reliable inspection while maintaining cost-effectiveness. Our instrumentation can stand up to the toughest conditions and deliver accurate analysis in real-time.
MIZ-85iD: Modular performance
This small, rugged, lightweight instrument is available in both single and dual probe configuration. It supports all common steam generator techniques so it easily integrates into your inspection system. It’s completely sealed to protect against environmental and radiological contamination to maintain its integrity for a high level of performance.
MIZ-80iD: Fully integrated
By combining a powerful eddy current instrument plus probe controllers, a probe driver, and a control system into a single device, you have a highly efficient and cost-effective all-in-one steam generator and condenser tube inspecting unit.
MIZ-28: Efficient and reliable
For inspections of heat exchanger tubing, this eddy current instrument delivers exceptional and proven performance.
Eddy Current Testing Instruments for Manufacturing
INSITE HT & CT: Tough and portable
The Zetec InSite HT and InSite CT are multi-channel, multi-frequency eddy current testing instruments. They are both designed to operate at full production line speeds in tough manufacturing environments.
Each of these instruments are designed for ease of use to promote greater control and lower cost of ownership. To make sure we satisfy your nondestructive testing (NDT) needs, we incorporate advanced inspection technology, backed by more than 50 years of industry-leading experience.
To learn more about using eddy current technology in your industry, contact Zetec today.