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Webinar Explores Innovative Approach to Improve Nozzle Weld Inspections

Zetec has posted a new on-demand webinar. The session discusses nozzle weld inspections using phased array ultrasound testing (PAUT) techniques including ray-tracing, scanner simulation and coverage maps to produce full 3D visualizations of the component and defects.

The 30-minute webinar presents an innovative inspection approach that includes UltraVision® industry-proven software for ultrasound inspections in oil and gas, power generation and other industries.

With most software packages, accurate positioning and sizing of indications can be complicated. Also, beam misalignment caused by so-called “saddle surface geometry” can lead to missing of critical flaws. UltraVision has the advanced simulation tools necessary to design, implement and execute these challenging inspections in a 3D environment.

The webinar features demonstrations that show how to increase the inspection efficiency and probability of detection. You will learn how to:

  • Design and validate an inspection technique and scan plan for nozzle welds using CAD files, ray-tracing, scanner simulation and coverage maps.
  • Simulate and validate acoustic beams of an optimized 2D-matrix array probe assembly.
  • Inspect a nozzle specimen with realistic flaws, using a commercially available scanning mechanism, TOPAZ®64 PAUT instrument and UltraVision Classic 3D software.
  • Use 3D data visualization and detailed data analysis.

View the Webinar


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