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NDT in Canada: Cutting-Edge Nondestructive Testing Equipment

Contact Zetec’s sales team in Canada:

Patrick Tremblay
(418) 208-1216

Nondestructive evaluation, otherwise known as nondestructive testing, is a crucial component to ensuring the overall safety of the Canadian people and its environment. Pipelines alone cover an estimated 825,000 km in Canada, stretching across every province. Many important industries rely on the efficacy of Canadian NDT technicians to keep Canada’s infrastructure and power supply running smoothly. Zetec has long partnered with Canadian businesses to provide our expertise and powerful NDT tools so that their products and services deliver and their reputations are protected. 

Natural Resources Canada, or NRCan, is the governing body responsible for facilitating proper nondestructive testing procedures within Canadian territory. Zetec understands what it takes to satisfy these requirements and our ultrasonic and eddy current nondestructive testing equipment meets the standards approved by NRCan. 

Additionally, Zetec is a proud member of the Canadian Institute for Non-Destructive Evaluation (CINDE), a not-for-profit organization offering professional membership and education for NDT personnel in Canada.

Zetec Locations Providing NDT in Canada

Zetec products and expertise can be found throughout the Canadian provinces. Zetec operates directly in the province of Quebec with a global engineering and manufacturing center located in Quebec City.

Zetec Provides NDE Solutions for Canadian Industries

The industries which power Canada and make our modern civilization possible depend on NDE to maintain safe, effective operations. Canadian power generation, oil and gas, transportation companies and beyond rely on Zetec products and expertise to deliver their services to Canadian consumers and to the world. For example, Canadian-based airlines and their aircraft are safe to fly thanks to their commitment to conducting high-quality inspections. 

These are some of the key Canadian industries Zetec serves:

  • Oil and gas: Whether it’s oil and gas extraction, transport, and refinery operations, NDE is fundamental and Zetec’s equipment helps keep well-heads working, pipelines intact, and holding tanks leak-free. With Zetec tools, your NDE inspections for both pre-service and in-service upstream, midstream, and downstream, will be efficient and cost-effective.
  • Transportation: Keeping passengers and cargo safe means keeping the assets of Canadian transportation companies safe—which is why nondestructive evaluation is required throughout the aerospace industry at strictly regulated intervals. Testing the integrity of rails as well as the safety and readiness of the components of new vehicles produced in Canadian facilities is something our equipment excels at in the rail and automotive industries.

Flexible financing plans available

(All financing plans and promotions are currently available in the United States and Canada only.)

Financing can keep your NDT fleet current and at the forefront of inspection technologies, without large capital expenditures. We understand that most companies may have different financing needs when it comes to acquiring our inspection solutions. We are pleased to offer the following financing options with quick application process to help you acquire and finance the latest equipment from Zetec. Learn more about financing.

Whether you need technical or on-site support, expert guidance, or NDE training, Zetec’s sales team is happy to take your call. Contact your local sales team representative below to get started:
Patrick Tremblay
(418) 208-1216

Zetec is proud to provide Canada and many Canadian companies with powerful, effective nondestructive testing products. Zetec also offers training, consulting and engineering expertise, and after-market services such as calibration, service, and rental equipment opportunities. To learn more, contact Zetec today!