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NDT in Africa: Effective Nondestructive Testing Solutions for Egypt, Ghana, South Africa & Beyond

Zetec Europe, Middle East, & Africa Headquarters:

Air Park Paris Sud
3 avenue Jeanne Garnerin
ZAC des Hauts de Wissous
Bâtiment B5 Le Pélican

Phone: +33 1 60 92 39 39
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Africa is a continent that is well known for its mineral wealth with mining and petroleum extraction being a major economic driver across much of the continent. Oil operations in the Saharan nations provide much of the global energy supply. Mining operations in sub-Saharan Africa provide much of the world’s copper, nickel, tin, aluminum, and precious metals. Nondestructive (NDT) testing is a vital component of maintaining oil infrastructure like pipelines and vessels, and important in maintaining heavy equipment. 

NDT in Africa isn’t solely for resource extraction. African nations are developing domestic industries like the manufacturing of vehicles, equipment, and transportation links such as railways. There are several domestic African airlines operating across the continent that need periodic NDT inspection to ensure their aircraft can operate safely. Regardless of industry, Zetec provides the NDT tools and instrumentation to conduct reliable ultrasonic and eddy current testing for NDT in Africa.

Zetec Provides Solutions for NDT in Africa 

African countries provide energy for the global economy, and the metals and minerals that power some of the world’s most sophisticated technology. Zetec provides NDT in Africa to support existing and developing industries in African nations including:

  • Oil and Gas: Oil and gas extraction is Africa’s most widely known industry. NDT ensures that upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and gas operations can be relied upon. NDT in Africa’s petroleum industry improves pipeline welds and detects corrosion early.
  • Aerospace and Aviation: Africa is home to many national and regional airlines whose aircraft require regular NDT inspection to fly and operate safely. Composite and other material inspections can identify discontinuities that would compromise the safety of aircraft.
  • Rail: Zetec provides NDT solutions for the inspection of railway tracks, wheels, axles, and frogs. Nondestructive testing helps keep Africa’s existing rail networks operating safely, and it helps ensure that railway expansions can be used reliably. 
  • Manufacturing: African nations are increasingly making their own machined parts, machine tools, and materials. NDT in Africa is important to ensuring the reliability of manufactured African products.
  • Power Generation: Industrializing nations in Africa will need greater amounts of electricity from fossil fuels and nuclear power. The turbines that generate power as well as the welds that hold pressure vessels and steam lines together need to be inspected for flaws using NDT before going into service.

To learn more about Zetec’s products, training, or for inquiries regarding nuclear steam generation inspections, contact your local Zetec sales team representative.

Regional Sales Team


Paul Hillman
+44 73 84 46 18 23
All Africa

Zetec takes pride in providing top-shelf ultrasonic and eddy current equipment and software to the nations of Africa. We also provide calibration, service, and rentals. For training, consulting, engineering, or advice, contact Zetec today!

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