Trademarks & Patents


Zetec’s products and services have trademarks, which are Zetec, Inc. property and protected from use by others. If you have questions about our trademarks, including your potential use, please email Zetec at

Using Zetec trademarks on white papers, advertisements, presentations, sales materials, web pages, or for other general usage is prohibited without appropriate identification and written permission from Zetec, Inc.

Zetec’s registered and claimed trademarks include:

  • +POINT™ Eddy current coil technology
  • AIR LOCK™ Conductivity balance stabilization feature
  • DYNARAY® Ultrasonic instrument
  • EDDYNET® Eddy current inspection software
  • ElbowFlex™ Scanner
  • EMERALD™ Ultrasonic Instrument
  • FlexTrack™ Scanner
  • HDC™ Eddy current software technology
  • MIZ® Eddy current instrument line
  • MRPC® Eddy current probe technology
  • NDT Paintbrush™ Scanner
  • NDT Sweeper™ Scanner
  • REVOSPECT® Eddy current analysis software
  • Surf-X™ Probe
  • SM™ Mechanical manipulator line
  • SONDICATOR™ Sonic technology
  • TOPAZ® Ultrasonic instrument
  • ULTRAVISION® Ultrasonic inspection Software
  • VELOCITY® Eddy current inspection software
  • WELD CRAWLER® Mechanical scanner system
  • X-PROBE™ Eddy current probe technology
  • ZETEC® Company Name and WAVE design
  • ZIRCON® Ultrasonic instrument


Zetec invests greatly in research and development to bring the most innovative NDT products and instruments to the market. The reader is hereby placed on notice of Zetec’s rights in the Patents listed on this site and associated with the following products:

Products Patent(s)
DYNARAY®, DYNARAY LITE U.S. Pat. No. 8,738,339
CXB Probes
Surf-X™ Probes
Surface Array Flex Probe
Canada Pat. No. 2,372,259
German Pat. No. 600 38 483.7-08
Spain Pat. No. 1153289
RevospECT® Inspection Services U.S. Pat. No. 8,386,404
JP Pat. No. 5694193
KR Pat. No. 10-1364404
U.S. Pat. No. 6,734,669
+POINT™ coil U.S. Pat. No. 6,734,668
MIZ-28 U.S. Pat. No. 6,798,197
U.S. Pat. No. 6,809,671
MIZ-80iD family with integral probe pusher U.S. Pat. No. 7,733,084
NDT Paintbrush™ Scanner U.S. Pat. No. 10,295,503