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Visit Zetec at the NACE Corrosion 2017 Conference and Expo

Booth #1754

March 26 – 30, 2017
(The expo takes place: March 27 – 30)
New Orleans, LA USA

Confident and Agile Corrosion Mapping

Attending NACE Corrosion 2017 Conference? We encourage you to stop by the Zetec booth (#1754). We’ll be showcasing our innovative and award-winning corrosion mapping solutions that leaves uncertainty behind.

See an Exciting Lineup of Products and Demonstrations

At Corrosion 2017, the Zetec booth will have live demonstrations featuring the following product solutions:

After visiting the Zetec booth, we’re confident you’ll agree that Zetec solutions deliver the data you need, as well as flexibility and inspection confidence, every time.

Get a Free Exhibit Hall Pass

Click on the image below, select ‘Exhibit Hall Visitor Registration’ (valued at $75 USD) using the promo code: C2017ExhZE1754