Power Generation

Sustaining the energy for the power generation industry

We have extensive experience in conducting feasibility studies and developing inspection solutions in the power generation industry. From developing and maintaining standardized processes to developing customized solutions for client specific needs, we are a leader in enabling utilities to reduce their inspection costs, improve their safety and reduce their downtime. Our clients can count on our eddy current and ultrasound technologies to be safe, sophisticated and successful in the procedure of flaw detection of their critical systems.

  • Nuclear

    With our world- class manufacturing and breadth of offerings in the eddy current instruments and ultrasound technologies, we can exceed the demands of the power generation industry. Our extensive experience in the nuclear segment, and our ability to leverage learnings from other segments, helps us deliver products that are well-engineered and field-tested. Discover our nuclear solutions.


  • Fossil

    We’ve developed complete and innovative inspection solutions with technology neutral flexibility for the fossil segment of power generation. These solutions provide a platform to perform tubing and surface inspections using eddy current technologies. We’ve also furthered technology in order to accommodate almost every ultrasonic application you may encounter. Our technology is the solution of choice for inspection data acquisition and management. Discover our fossil solutions.


  • Power Generation

    Wind energy is already a large part of the world’s energy infrastructure. We are developing further applications for our innovative inspection solutions in wind energy. Nondestructive testing for wind energy is a vitally important part of building a reliable and sustainable energy grid for the future. Discover our wind energy solutions.