
Metallurgical Flaw Detection

Metallurgical Flaw Detection Using Eddy Current and Ultrasonic Testing

metallurgical flaw detection

Metallurgical heat treatment utilizes careful heating, holding, and cooling processes in a controlled environment to alter metal properties such as hardness, strength, electrical resistance, ductility, and corrosion resistance. During this alteration of properties, metal is often prone to flaws due to the change in its metallic structure. Improper heat treatment and annealing can result in flaws such as voids, inclusions, and other discontinuities in the metal. 

When visual inspection can’t be relied upon to detect these anomalies, manufacturers often depend on non-destructive testing (NDT) for metallurgical flaw detection. Advanced ultrasonic and eddy current testing are suitable NDT methods for metallurgically heat-treated materials.    

NDT for Metallurgical Flaw Detection

Eddy current technology is widely used by manufacturers to ensure proper heat treatment, verify the enhanced properties, and detect flaws in a material. Eddy current testing utilizes an electric coil to induce a magnetic current in the metal to be inspected. Any change in the flow of the current can be an indication of flaws or irregularities in the material structure. With the help of advanced eddy current probes and instruments, industries can conveniently and accurately verify the quality of the metallurgically heat-treated metal.

Ultrasonic technology utilizes high-frequency sound waves transmitted from transducers to identify potential anomalies. Any changes in the reflected wave can be an indication of cracks, corrosions, porosity, or inclusions in a material.

Zetec’s wide range of advanced inspection instruments and probes can assist you in the selection of eddy current and ultrasonic non-destructive testing solutions for effective metallurgical flaw detection in heat-treated metal parts. 

Metallurgical Flaw Detection Resources and Applications

Non-destructive testing is used in the inspection of metallurgical parts in many industries to verify the component meets quality and safety standards. We have compiled a list of resources that explain how NDT solutions can help industries achieve their quality and production goals. 

Product Recommendations for Metallurgical Flaw Detection 

Zetec offers a wide range of eddy current and ultrasonic testing instruments to meet your industrial specification. To assist in your selection of desired NDT instruments for metallurgical flaw detection, we have compiled a list of our advanced industrial inspection and analysis solutions.


NDT Technology

Product Recommendation(s)

Heat Treatment Inspection Eddy Current InSite – Manufacturing Instrument
Metallic Surface Inspection Eddy Current  MIZ-21C – Affordable and advanced handheld

MIZ-200 – High-performance instrument

InSite – Manufacturing Instrument

Surf-X Flexible Array Probes
Corrosion Inspection Ultrasound & Eddy Current TOPAZ Family of Instruments

PaintBrush Scanner

MIZ-21C – Affordable and advanced handheld

Surf-X Flexible Array Probes
Weld Inspection Ultrasound & Eddy Current TOPAZ Family of Instruments

Weld Crawler Scanner

Weld Crawler Scanner

MIZ-21C – Affordable and advanced handheld

Surf-X Flexible Array Probes
Material Hardness Inspection Eddy Current InSite – Manufacturing Instrument

Zetec’s advanced NDT instruments, scanners, and probes allow manufacturers to effectively identify anomalies during metallurgical flaw detection while also maintaining the industry standards for product quality and safety.

Zetec can help you match the right NDT instruments for your metallurgical flaw detection requirement. Contact us today to learn more.