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Zetec & Our Partner: NDT Equipment Suppliers in India

Zetec Europe, Middle East, Africa, and India Headquarters:

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Air Park Paris Sud
3 avenue Jeanne Garnerin
ZAC des Hauts de Wissous
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Our India Channel Partner:

(ultrasonic solutions)

Quality and customer satisfaction depend on nondestructive testing (NDT) that can identify manufacturing flaws and defects in products before they leave the shop floor. In aviation, power generation, petrochemical, and heavy manufacturing industries, NDT testing helps to ensure that complex assets can operate safely. In turn, this means that products, personnel, and services can be delivered reliably and on time. 

It should come as no surprise that nondestructive testing is usually required by law and can have formal compliance regulations as well. These rigorous standards vary by industry; sometimes they are set by a government regulatory body, but more often they are a consensus standard recognized by different governments or standards bodies. Zetec has been refining NDT testing tools, probes, software, and instrumentation for accuracy, ease of use, and clearer data analysis to better meet global standards. Through our channel partner in India for ultrasonic solutions, Topax NDT Solutions, companies can better meet these stringent standards by purchasing tools through an NDT equipment supplier in India.

Zetec Locations: Where to Find NDT Equipment Suppliers in India

Our expert channel partner, located in Mumbai, is an NDT equipment supplier that provides organizations throughout India with top-shelf ultrasonic NDT solutions. State-of-the-art Zetec ultrasonic NDT equipment can help detect volumetric flaws in manufacturing and other industries throughout India. For surface-level flaw detection and tubing inspections, Eddy Current solutions are ideal and our Zetec team can serve your needs.

Local Channel Partners
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Countries Served

Topax NDT Solutions India

Our India channel partner serves most industries with Zetec Ultrasonic solutions. For Eddy Current solutions in India, please contact Zetec directly. 

Zetec Provides NDT Solutions in India

India is known globally as a manufacturing hub that is growing in importance and industrial power. Nondestructive testing equipment suppliers like Zetec and its partner help India-based manufacturers and utilities and services organizations both satisfy the demands of a global market and meet testing needs in cities like Mumbai and Chennai. The industries in India that can benefit from the use of nondestructive testing include:

  • Power Generation: Material integrity is crucial for the high-pressure vessels, heat exchangers, and turbines that generate electricity at most power plants. When it comes to nuclear power, the integrity of the steam generators, turbines, and heavy-duty vessels is even more vital to ensuring that assets last their projected lifespans. Zetec NDT solutions can detect flaws and structural corrosion in power plants.
  • Aerospace and Aviation: NDT is required throughout the manufacturing process of aircraft, as well as during maintenance, repair and overhaul stages. Routine NDT testing with Zetec’s eddy current array and ultrasonic solutions can ensure the safety of aircraft that endure extreme changes in atmospheric pressure and structural stressors daily.
  • Rail: The majority of freight and passengers in India move by rail. Zetec provides NDT solutions that enable fast and accurate inspection of railway tracks, wheels, axles, and frogs to help keep millions of people and millions of tons of freight moving safely every day.
  • Manufacturing: India is a rapidly growing manufacturing powerhouse, with industrial sectors from electronics assembly to heavy industrial machinery expanding. Everything from steel pipes to heavy lifting equipment needs NDT testing to ensure quality, and Zetec NDT solutions can be used in inspections from process piping in manufacturing plants to weldments on auto parts.

Oil and Gas: Upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and gas operations in India rely on NDT to test the welds and structural integrity of pipelines, risers, holding tanks, and other petrochemical equipment across the subcontinent. Zetec ultrasonic testing solutions can be used with generic welds, long seam welds, riser welds, and corrosion mapping.

To learn more about Zetec’s products, training, or for other inquiries regarding NDT inspections, contact your local Zetec sales team representative.

Regional Sales Team


Vadim Zeleniuk
+49 17 32 50 72 60

Zetec takes pride in providing top-shelf ultrasonic and eddy current equipment and software throughout India. We also provide calibration, service, and rentals. To learn more, contact Zetec today.

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