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Customer-First Innovation

We take a pragmatic approach to NDT innovation, which comes from working closely with our customers to engineer products that meet their evolving needs. Our approach reduces the time it takes to move important advances from our design and engineering teams to you.

Align your inspection solutions with your business strategy. Our solutions focus can help align your NDT with larger business strategies and initiatives for the highest return on your investment.

Benefit from Zetec innovation from design and engineering through manufacturing. At Zetec, innovation begins with design and engineering and continues with our own manufacturing and quality assurance. Our design-to-delivery innovation culture ensures that our customers benefit from high quality and new advances every step of the way.

Gain direct access to the leading talent in NDT innovation.  At Zetec, innovation thrives on communication with our customers. By eliminating barriers that can get in the way of a good idea, we accelerate innovation on our customers’ behalf.

Differentiate yourself through Zetec innovation. Zetec solutions spur innovation within our customers’ companies, too. Our latest 3D tools are just one example of Zetec solutions that have become catalysts for our customers’ own innovations.  

Take advantage of NDT innovation without losing the value of your existing investment. We keep the big picture in mind—including our customers’ existing investments. We design and engineer new products that build on current capabilities.


Explore Eddyfi Technologies product lines

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Remote Monitoring Solutions Icon Remote Monitoring Solutions
Automated Vision System Icon Automated Vision Systems
Robotics Solutions Icon Robotics Solutions
ET/UT Solutions Icon ET/UT Solutions