Seminario web: mejora de las inspecciones de fabricación de soldaduras de acero al carbono grueso de buques
Two sessions offered: October 17 and 18.
Click here to register today.
Manufacturing of thick-wall carbon steel vessels involves full volumetric NDT inspection of the circumferential welds. The use of industrial radiography (RT) combined with manual ultrasound technology (UT) comes with inherent radiation safety issues and productivity issues.
The productivity of the process can be drastically improved. Utilizing a combination of fully mechanized Phased Array UT Pulse-Echo and Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) techniques, the process can offer “best-in-class” inspection capability and code compliance.
Join us for a one hour webinar presented by Guy Maes, Sales Engineer Director UT for Zetec. The agenda will include:
- An overview with video footage of the industrial data acquisition system and the laser-guided inspection robot
- Presentation and theoretical assessment of the proposed Phased Array UT and TOFD examination techniques
- System performance assessment, in terms of inspection speed
- Demonstration of the advanced tools in the Zetec UltraVision Classic software, illustrating how they contribute to an efficient data analysis process on large data files
- Presentation of results from practical trials on representative specimens with realistic flaws
- A question and answer session at the end of the webinar
This webinar can help deliver a competitive advantage. You’ll gain an understanding of how to improve the productivity and reliability of your inspections on thick carbon steel vessel welds.