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Corrosion Mapping

Improve inspection confidence without compromising productivity

shutterstock_341328812_corrosionmap_smallA successful corrosion mapping inspection is the result of the combination of a high probability of detection on corrosion damages like pitting, with the confidence that the full area of interest has been totally covered. In recent years, the situation has changed with the availability of off-the-shelf phased array equipment. These solutions offer an improvement of the ratio lateral resolution versus surface scanned speed as well as the availability of two axis scanners.

Inspection Challenges

Regarding thickness gaging, dual element probes with a roof angle have always been preferred when looking for corrosion. The same is true for phased array inspection. The lack of interface echo will improve near surface resolution and the beam convolution will improve sensitivity and signal to noise. The broader availability of two axis scanner versus one axis has helped the gain confidence in the surface coverage. However the related restrictions of those two axis scanners in term of accessibility as well as their cumbersome deployment and lack of agility are opening opportunities for improvements.

Recommended Solution & Advantages:

  • Agility: Works on plate, pipe and complex geometries as elbow or domes without complex and cumbersome mechanics
  • Confidence: Provide real time two dimension map confirming mapping status
  • Productivity: Onboard statistics, direct export to external software
  • Simple and Powerful: Facilitate analysis and explanation with the use of the 3D rendering on CAD file

Zetec Products:

NDT Paintbrush* – Two axis encoding without compromising agility
Thanks to its innovative design figuring two side by side encoders, the NDT Paintbrush can determine at any instant the probe position and the scanner’s orientation. This results in a simple to obtain two dimension scan without the difficulties of deployment and lack of agility of typical two axis scanners. NDT Paintbrush can be used with virtually any phased array probe compatible with the inspection.

    Probe trackingDeployed with the TOPAZ platform, the NDT Paintbrush will not only deliver agility during the inspection but also the confidence that the entire area has fully been inspected. The instrument displays in real time the probe position on the two dimension map allowing the user to be sure they are covering the right place, immediately spot a missed area and compensate.

TOPAZ32 – Fully integrated phased array ultrasonic instrument
With the combination of homing gates (Gates synchronization) and floating gate, TOPAZ provides the ability to make measurement under coating. The floating gate will ensure that the thickness reading isn’t affected by the reduction of an echo amplitude due to sound attenuation. Topaz also enables the user to display area statistical information directly on the instrument, not limited to minimum thickness value and position, percentage of thickness below a threshold or total surface below a threshold. Thickness data can be directly exported as a text file. Once opened in Excel, this file will figure out a header with significant information and individual readings automatically isolated in their individual cell.

High Probability of Detection

  • Works with any type of probe including Pitch catch arrays
  • Display probe position in real time on a 2D map with probe orientation easily spotting missed area and immediately correcting
  • Automatically process overlap area to prevent double count indications

Improved Productivity

  • Deployed with NDT Paintbrush, the solution delivers full confidence and agility preventing the user from moving its mechanical setting and stitching 2D maps
  • Fully integrated, the solution enables area mapping, displaying statistical information and generating a report without the use of an external computer

UltraVision 3D – Make analysis and explanations trivial