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NDT for Manufacturing Discontinuities Detection

metallurgical flaw detection

Manufacturing is a complex process requiring materials to go through metallurgical, physical, and chemical changes. Discontinuities can therefore be a common occurrence during the fabrication or processing phase of manufacturing. This is true for all kinds of materials, be it metal or composites. The discontinuities in the material can disrupt the operation during the manufacturing process or shorten the lifespan of the material. 

At any stage of manufacturing, nondestructive testing (NDT) can facilitate the detection of manufacturing discontinuities. Especially with ultrasonic testing (UT) or eddy current testing (ECT), manufacturing discontinuities can be identified early on in the process, saving industries from carrying over the flaws only for the material to fail or spend multiple folds to correct the flaw. 

Discontinuities in Metals and Composites

Automotive or aerospace manufacturers, and many other industries use composite materials and metals to ensure the integrity of their structural components. However, discontinuities in the material can affect the material’s properties, compromising its strength and ability. Discontinuities in the material can be inherent or can appear during the processing or service phase. This includes processes such as metal casting, machining, fabrication, or welding, which can develop discontinuities in the form of surface irregularities, cracks, pores, cavities, or inclusions. These discontinuities can develop as a result of mechanical or thermal stresses, fatigue, or corrosive environment. 

The visual detection of discontinuities can be very difficult in metals and even more so in composite materials due to their multi-layered nature. Thus, ECT and UT are suitable NDT options for effective flaw detection and analysis in metal and composites. Conductive metals can leverage the benefits of ECT, which is ideal in identifying surface discontinuities with high sensitivity. However, for non-conductive options like composites, UT inspection can help identify surface and subsurface discontinuities with a high degree of accuracy. 

NDT Solutions for Discontinuities Inspection in Manufacturing

Metal like steel that makes up industrial components, including plates, tubes, pipes, or equipment parts, needs a thorough NDT assessment to examine structural integrity. Most discontinuities in these metals result from metallurgical issues during manufacturing or are induced around the heat-affected zones. 

  • Eddy current array (ECA) technology can detect discontinuities induced due to metal fatigue. It can provide surface and near-surface inspection for metallic structures of a wide geometric range. The conductive nature of the metallic components increases the sensitivity of ECA probes to detect discontinuities with a high degree of accuracy. 
  • Phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) facilitates inspection for possible pores and cracks in the metal and weld area. With the help of a focused ultrasonic beam, it is easier to navigate through different geometries and approach varying metal thickness to identify, size, and locate discontinuities.

Composite materials have a complex, yet important, inspection process, given the increasing use of the material in high-risk industries like aerospace. In addition, composites generally blend fiber and polymer additives that give the material its non-conductive nature. Because of this, ECT is not ideal for composite testing NDT

However, manufacturing discontinuities for composites can be identified with PAUT probes that facilitate volumetric and speedy testing through real-time visualization. PAUT utilizes the time-reversal technique and time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) of reflected waves to study surface or geometrical changes. 

A variety of discontinuities can lead to material quality degradation during the manufacturing process. With the use of UT and ECT as the primary method of NDT, manufacturing discontinuities can be identified with a high degree of precision at early stages. Rework and rejects can be identified before the stress causes the component to fail.

Meeting Quality Needs with Discontinuities Detection in Manufacturing with NDT

Zetec provides a wide range of inspection solutions such as the paintbrush scanner or TOPAZ that make high-resolution scanning and real-time analysis possible for discontinuities detection. The pre- and in-service inspection during manufacturing facilitates high-quality production of components, minimizing the need for costly reworks. In addition, PAUT supports volumetric testing in large-scale operations.  

The flexibility and portability of probes also mean that complex geometries can be quickly inspected. These features support high-quality component manufacturing with enhanced safety and productivity.

If you are looking for equipment that provides powerful inspection and data analysis capabilities with reliable results, Zetec can help you with its best ultrasonic and eddy current NDT tools to meet your manufacturing needs. To learn more about how Zetec can help with the manufacturing discontinuities detection process, contact us today.